If you do not have flash and can not see the menu above, click HERE to go to the site map and navigate from there.

Update - September 4th, 2004

As promised, here is the list of sites who have used my ambassador coupon number (104172) so far. Thank you very much all of you!

Update - August 15th, 2004

I've just added my first attempt at a misheard lyrics animation to the site, it's situated over here. Again, sorry for the lack of updates!

Update - July 16th, 2004

I haven't updated in quite a while, but I have been busy with other projects, sorry. Anyway, I've put up a flash animation that I did for a recent school production based on recycling, and you can find that HERE. I did another animation for the same production, but I don't think it is as good, and also it is over 600kb and I am only allowed to upload things of up to 500kb on this stupid host.

Update - June 4/20th, 2004

Sorry for the lack of updates, I've been concentrating more on updating Madcaster than this site. Quite a few people have used my .tk ambassador coupon number (104172) when registering a domain name on www.dot.tk, so, as promised, here is the list of all the domain names that have linked to me so far:
02/15/2004 SMEGGYBEAR.TK
03/23/2004 FYMFLASH.TK
05/16/2004 GRAULLROIG.TK
05/23/2004 DAUDNET.TK
Many thanks to all who have used my coupon number, and please keep telling people about this site. I will add a couple of flash movies once I get FlashMX 2004 working again.

Update - April 29th, 2004


is finally up and running! And I must say, I'm really quite jealous that I didn't make the template for myself. Not that it is world class or anything, it is just classier than this. Oh well.

Update - April 28th, 2004

Due to exams I probably wont update for a while. Madcaster.tk has forums which will be linked to from the website when it is finally put up (tomorrow hopefully).

Update - April 27th, 2004

I have started on a new site, called madcaster.tk (which I believe used to exist). I'll post again when its actually in existance, but for now, until full development, the site consists of a temporary homepage with curveball and a photo that will be meaningless to al but a few of you on it.

Update - April 26th, 2004

Right, I've got a new flash movie that has sound and it works. Only my friends will actually understand it. It is situated over here. Also, I realised that the old version of my site is still taking up some of my free alotted webspace. If you want to view it, it's here but wont be for very long.

Update - April 25th, 2004

First off, I know that the newest flash movie isnt working. I'm on it. Secondly, there's a new mediocre flash movie. That's all.

Update - April 21th, 2004

Many thanks to 741.com because they are hosting my new flash movie. It doesn't work as of yet but will do soon. It has sound, and rules, but its over 500kb so may take some time for the slower ones.

Update - April 20th, 2004

A new better curveball score (image may be a different size to before):

Also, a new Chickenfish!!!

Update - April 17th, 2004

I have robbed Rob's code for a QUIZ. It doesn't require flash, because it isn't made in flash. See? It actually took a while, so click on the previous link or on this alternate one!!!

Update - April 16th #2, 2004

I now have my own webring!!!!!!!

The navigation bar for it (above) wont appear until someone else joins (soon hopefully).

Update - April 16th, 2004

New thing: A COMPETITION!!!! It's an image competition and requires you to host the image yourself, but I'm sure someone will manage. Top 5 entries get huge links, so GO!!!

Update - April 15th, 2004

2 new score screenshots, one for a new game.

That's as far as I got (playing on a different site with a bigger version).

That's another curveball score, I can't do better than that for now.
Oh, and the 2nd episode of the Chickenfish series is here.

Update - April 14th, 2004

I made a quiz in flash that I rightly titled Pointless. I have developed an unhealthy addiction to Curveball, and I have a new screenshot of a higher score than last time. I'll post it when I can be bothered. It's not like anyone really cares.

Update - April 12th #3, 2004

Someone used my .tk ambassador coupon number, therefore, as promised, I link to them.


Update - April 12th #2, 2004

That image leads to the Pokey the Penguin comics site. They are brilliant. Go to them. Then come back here, of course. I also added a flash movie, the first in a series of many (to come). I made a bunch of comics aaaaages ago as MSWord documents, but they were lost along with everything else on one the my many times my PC crashes. So I've embodied them in SWF format where they shall reside forever (or until I get bored with this site) on the internet!!! Here is Episode 1.

Update - April 12th, 2004

Here's the best score I could get in 10 minutes of trying for one:

I don't want to know if you can do better, thanks. It doesn't interest me. And I added stuff to the 'shopping page.

Update - April 11th, 2004

Well, I added a new flash game today. Again, it isn't made by me, but it's fun so I thought I'd put it here. If you made it and want it taken down, email me.

Update - April 10th #2, 2004

Hmm, I now have a sitewide menu that uses flash. If you don't have a flash player, then you can't use the menu (even though flash is the only real thing of mild interest on the site so I can't see why you'd be here for any great length of time without it). If this applies to you, go to the Site Map (which will exist soon) and navigate from there.

Update - April 10th, 2004

Well, I probably shouldn't be bothering to do anything today, but I've added a flash movie that I made yesterday and I'm too tired to move anything except my fingers. Anyway, it's here.

Update - April 8th, 2004


New thing for you to do: email this address with your suggestions for this site. I know it doesn't look great and the look of the site is the obvious suggestion, but I'm not really after that. I am however all for suggestions on new ideas for content, publicity methods etc.
The email address for suggestions may not be working yet, I only just set it up and sometimes it can take weeks before a .tk email address becomes active. Also, if you're going to send abuse or non-constructive criticism (which you could have sent to my webmaster's address already), please be aware that I will have your e-mail address which, being the idiot that you are, you will have posted numerous times on message boards, forums and the like. If you can send me offence anonymously, then feel free. At least that's entertaining. Extra points for making the e-mail appear as though it has been sent by me.

Update - April 7th, 2004

Well, two new flash movies today but nothing really to write home about; 'Greets' and 'Reterow'. Have fun. Sign the guestbook. Bye. Oh, and give this site a hit: FYMFLASH.TK!

Update - April 6th, 2004

It seems I'm becoming increasingly popular in Switzerland (rather large image):

OK, I know it isn't a great amount of traffic, but it's up to you to tell others about this site.

I've stopped updating the old version of the site, so you can still view it but the newer content will be here. So, recent additions. Well, a new flash movie was added yesterday. That's it. Oh, and if you feel like linking to me, feel free, although I would prefer if you used the logo at the top of this page as the linked image. If you can't figure out how, don't link to my site.

Update - March 28th, 2004

Woo, a new look. you can go to the old version (identical content as of now) by clicking HERE. Please tell me which you prefer in my guestbook.

104172 is my .TK Ambassador Coupon number. If you sign up for a .TK domain name, you will be prompted for one of these, and while you do not have to use one, it helps not only me, but the Tokelauns (sp). Plus, all you have to do is type in 104172, and that's it. I will link to any site that uses 104172 as their ambassador number.

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