PONG!!! (or not)
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This is not the pong page, it didnt work. Instead, i 'adopted' a weird looking green thing online. wow. i was very bored. Here it is.

This is my tonberry,

This is one of my favorite images
This is my good friend Hal. I took this picture on his birthday. I think he likes to be in pictures.
  Here you'll create or edit a custom page for your Web site.
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Here you'll create or edit a custom page for your Web site.
Use this template for any additional information you need such as products, pictures, fan clubs, links or just more information It's important to regularly change the content on your site and make updates to the information that you display. Doing this will help you to get more return visitors.

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Here you'll create or edit a custom page for your Web site.
Use this template for any additional information you need such as products, pictures, fan clubs, links or just more information It's important to change the content on your site and make updates to the information that you display. Doing this will help you to get more return visitors.

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This is one of my favorite images
This is my good friend Hal. I took this picture on his birthday. I think he likes to be in pictures.

HMM, you found me

No idea how the fuck you navigated to this part of this page, or even this page, but because you did, here is the seemingly circulative image. Courtesy of Adams. I take no responsibility for it as i was experimenting in html and i was bored and im not hosting the image, www.boisaman.freewebspace.com is. Goodbye!

PS its below. it might not load. i dont care.